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Gut Man Tour July 2018

Gut Man Events, Queensland


Jul 18 2018 6.15 - 8pm

Wake up to the power of the gut!

You might have heard that the gut and it’s trillions of bacteria is our most powerful organ, impacting on everything from our weight, digestion, moods and likelihood of diseases. Meet Don Chisholm, a.k.a. The Gut Man—International Speaker and Best-Selling Author—at this life-changing presentation on the importance of gut health. Don’s presentation topics cover diet and lifestyle, disease, water, environmental factors, parasites and what it takes to be really healthy. It might just be easier than what you were taught to believe.

Don will share his 20 plus years of knowledge and insights into the gut, with his entertaining, and at times confronting, presentation. Learn what you can do to live a gut loving lifestyle that helps you, your family and ultimately the planet.

The audience will receive a copy of Don’s best-selling book, Have You Got The Guts To Be Really Healthy? included in the ticket price, along with the opportunity to speak with Don after the presentation to ask a question. Plus Don will give you a copy of his own checklist of the gut-loving choices to make right now and what aspects of your lifestyle could be harming your gut health.

“I have never seen a condition that cannot be improved.” Don Chisholm


Wednesday 18th July, 6.15–8pm
Bundaberg & District Neighbourhood Centre (Main Hall, downstairs)
111 Targo Street, Bundaberg, Queensland 4670
$37*p/person or $65*p/couple
Includes a copy of Don’s best-selling book
Bookings essential!
TICKETS available from Bundaberg Health Foods (07) 4151 5187 or online at Eventbrite
*Eventbrite ticket purchases incur small booking fee.

“We were lucky enough to host Don Chisholm talking about gut health, probiotics and healing last night. It was a great night—not just for beginners—but for long term health buffs alike.” Organic Feast, NSW

For the latest event dates, information and updates visit and follow The Gut Man Don Chisholm on Facebook.